Maybe you’re wondering: “how does point of purchase displays drive impulse buying?” Point of purchase (POP) displays are essential in encouraging impulse buying, which in-turn leads to increased sales and more revenue. These point of purchase displays help attract customers and even help generate a certain brand image of the store.
The whole point of point of purchase displays is to compel your customers to walk out of the store purchasing more items than they had planned. This is achieved by strategically placing these items in places of high-visibility, and by using the right displays. Here are some tips to be tactical with your point of purchase displays to help encourage your customers to buy.
1. Point of purchase displays examples
Point of purchase displays such as free-standing units, counter unit displays, pallet displays and various other retail displays are powerful and effective tools to influence impulse buying.
Free-standing units are a great option to showcase products that you want to grab customers’ attention. It can be installed anywhere in an open space. These are helpful to break through any traffic areas and at the same time keep customers engaged. Some of these free-standing units can also house more than one type of product to attract customers.
Counter unit displays are also extremely useful in any retail store to showcase accessories and other small products to encourage customers to look at and buy.
And last but not least, a pallet display is another great way to grab customers’ attention on the store floor as it helps highlight new products and promotional offers.
2. Use signage to draw attention
Signage is essential to encourage impulse buying as it is often used to advertise product offers or relevant products customers might have missed.
Some advice when using signs includes ensuring you use an appropriate color scheme that matches your brand image, or bold colors such as red to draw attention. Also, messaging should be simple and have a “call-to-action” such as “Buy Now!” or “Today Only!”
Additionally, branded signage can be positioned anywhere in the store. A top tip here is to opt for maximum visibility, while maintaining proper thoroughfare access and avoiding saturation. Placing the advertised products close to the counter will increase the likelihood of purchase at the checkout.
3. Consider your visual merchandising
Visual merchandising is another important aspect that can stimulate impulse buys. This is in relation to the point of purchase displays which should fit in with your overall store design for a stronger effect.
Try to regularly change your store displays. When regular customers see that your displays have changed or moved around, this will encourage them to go inside to check for new products. This is an easy step as it just requires you to move around items and point of purchase displays in the store. It could be as easy as adding a new dump bin and any other display that can activate a brand or product. Just make sure all of the items are moved logically to avoid confusion and annoyance in your customers.
Key takeaways
Point of purchase displays are an effective tool for impulse purchases, but they work best when displayed strategically. By installing creative point of purchase displays, enticing signage, and creative visual merchandising, retailers will surely notice an uptick in impulse buying.
If you’re looking for point of purchase displays to help your products to stand out, check out our website to see what we can offer! Or if you need any help on custom displays and design services, feel free to reach out and contact us.